What is Modern parenting? Myth vs. Fact

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Modern Parenting Has A Bad Rep.

What do you visualize when you think about modern parenting? When most people think about modern parenting, they think of a parents who buy the latest tech equipment or toys for their children. Or, they may picture a mom befriending her daughter, instead of establishing the traditional parent-child relationship. 

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While these parenting techniques may fit the modern lifestyle, they do not solely define modern parenting. In actuality, modern parenting is as simple as recognizing your child’s unique differences, determining what research-based techniques work for your child, and choosing not to compare your choices to others. An example of this is choosing to breastfeed (or supporting your partner’s decision to breastfeed) until your child is 2-years-old instead of cutting the child off at 6 or 12 months. Another example is allowing your 10 year-old to have a cell phone, instead of waiting until he is a teenager. 

Simply put, modern parenting consists of individuals acknowledging the uniqueness of their family and choosing to utilize research-based parenting techniques to ensure that their child reaches his or her full potential. 

In other words…

A modern parent will research parenting tips, instead of relying solely on opinion, and choose tips that benefit his or her family. 

bashing Opinion and focusing on fact

You may have heard some negative opinions about modern parenting. Some people say that modern parents are not involved and let their children raise themselves (commonly known as free-range parenting), while others say that modern parents are too involved and don’t allow their children the opportunity to make mistakes (known as helicopter parenting).

The fact is, modern parents come in many different forms. Yet, despite our differences, modern parents share a common goal – We want our children to have a positive impact on the world. We all ask the same question. “What can I do to help my children reach their full potential?” 

We will go great lengths to ensure that we are doing our best to support our children by seeking advice from family, as well as professionals. —Did you catch that?? Modern parents are not ashamed to ask for professional help, which can be in the form of a parenting coach, parenting class, research article, or even a blog post (if the author is a credentialed professional). 

Modern parents strive to be confident in their parenting choices. And, while comparison is easy and highly common in our society, we choose to focus on the uniqueness of our family.

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The Role of Family Structure in modern parenting

As a modern parent, you have reasons for your choices, which are backed by your personal beliefs and knowledge of fact. They are also influenced by your family’s structure. In the late 1960s, the media truly began to acknowledge the fact that family units exist outside of the traditional, two-parent, mother and father, structure. Now, in modern society, family units can include a single parent, same-sex parents, adoptive parents, interracial parents and so on. The modern parent acknowledges his or her family’s structure and subsequently chooses parenting techniques that are most beneficial for the child. The parent’s culture and belief system shapes what he or she considers “best”, and this takes us back to the definition of modern parenting. Individuals acknowledging the uniqueness of their family and choosing to utilize research-based parenting techniques to ensure that their child reaches his or her full potential.

Are you a modern parent?

So, are you a modern parent? Do you fit the definition? Modern parents may have a bad reputation, but it doesn’t matter. I have learned as a parent that everyone has an opinion. People will judge your parenting choices either way. It’s up to you to be confident in your choices and do the research to ensure that your choices benefit your family. You are awesome, and your children are blessed to have you!

If you discovered that you are a modern parent after reading this post, I want to be the first to welcome you! I am so glad that you found the Modern Parenting community! I’m eager to hear from you in the comments below and stand along side your family to ensure that your children reach their full potential!

- Dr. B.

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