Meet Our Founder | Dr. Joy

My Professional Journey

My professional journey began in 2008 when I worked as a Student Teacher at the University of Houston Children’s Learning Centers. I quickly elevated from Student Teacher to Student Manager and led my first team of early educators.

After I completed by Bachelor’s degree at the University of Houston, I moved to Los Angeles to study at the Pacific Oaks College and work with some of the most prominent leaders of the early childhood field. I enjoyed working directly under the Pacific Oak’s Director of Education as a Research Assistant. After earning my M.A. in Early Childhood Development, I moved back home to study at Texas Woman’s University. There, I earned a Ph.D. in Early Childhood Development and Education. While attending Texas Woman’s University, I supervised an Early Head Start/Head Start center, and it was there that I realized my passion for coaching parents in addition to early childhood teachers.

Today, I am a Professor as well as a Certified Parenting Coach, Teacher Trainer and Early Childhood Consultant. For the last 14 years, I have worked with many teachers and families from diverse backgrounds, including all races and social classes. Despite their differences, I have noticed one common goal – every parent and (quality) teacher has a desire to cultivate a better generation. Whether it be a focus on children’s emotional intelligence, cultural awareness or self-confidence, parents and teachers are committed to helping our next generation experience better and be better.

To increase diversity and access to Black-owned resources, I created ModernJoi. Our mission is to provide parents and professionals with modern evidence-based support, in the form of coaching and training, to help them effectively cultivate the next generation. My team is committed to providing quality service that is impactful and long-lasting.

My Parenting Journey

My personal parenting journey began in 2018 when I discovered that I was pregnant with my first child. At the time, I had about 10 years of experience in the field of early childhood and truly felt that I was more than prepared for motherhood. Unfortunately, after giving birth to my daughter in 2019, I suffered from postpartum anxiety and fear due to traumatic experiences in my past. 

Despite my extensive training in child development, I was not as prepared for motherhood as I had thought. I went on to experience parental burnout which led to a strained relationship with my young child and my husband. 

I struggled to find my own path and constantly fell victim to comparison, doubt, and fear. I struggled to stop the cycle of generational trauma that leaked into my parenting and negatively affected my child. 

When my daughter turned two, I decided that something had to change. I began researching parenting resources, and not to my surprise, it was difficult to find quality, evidence-based support that related to my culture and values as a Black millennial mom. 

Not until I began my journey with a parenting coach did I start to experience true patience, peace and understanding. I chose to let healing to take place, and I am still reaping the harvest. I am not perfect (and never will be), but I am now proud of the role that I play in my daughter’s life and the positive impact that I have on her development. 

As a certified Jai Parenting Coach, I absolutely love guiding parents on their unique journey of healing and transformation. I understand the challenges of parenthood and the difficulty of finding quality, relatable support. For that, I am committed to helping parents discover their inner strength while honoring their culture and lifestyle.

Degrees and Certifications

Ph.D. Early Childhood Development and Education (Texas Woman’s University)

M.A. Early Childhood Education (Pacific Oaks College)

B.S. Psychology (University of Houston)

Certified Jai Parenting Coach (Jai Institute for Parenting)

Certified CLASS Observer – Infant, Toddler & Pre-K (Teachstone)

Certified Professional Development Specialist (CDA & Council for Professional Recognition)

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